Adelina Amouteru, a survivor of a deadly illness, is now a girl who possesses powers that the people fear. Arrested for murdering her father, she waits to be burned in the central market square. Suddenly, a few hooded figures swoop in, killing the guards and saving her. At the same time, her power activates, summoning a cloud of locusts. She realizes that her power is making illusions, and she slumps unconscious (pages 27 - 34).
From pages 1 - 34, Adelina tells us that her childhood, her life - has been engulfed in hatred, loneliness, and sadness. As she talks about different parts of her life, it seems everyday is either just as bad, or worse. She was nearly sold by her father! It's obvious that as her character develops, darkness takes control, and she seems to just hate everything and everyone.
The Young Elites starts off quite harsh. I was surprised by the deep, dark history of Adelina, of how her father treated her, and the horrible sufferings she went through. I thought about the people who suffer from this kind of treatment in the world, and I just feel really bad for them.
From pages 1 - 34, Adelina tells us that her childhood, her life - has been engulfed in hatred, loneliness, and sadness. As she talks about different parts of her life, it seems everyday is either just as bad, or worse. She was nearly sold by her father! It's obvious that as her character develops, darkness takes control, and she seems to just hate everything and everyone.
The Young Elites starts off quite harsh. I was surprised by the deep, dark history of Adelina, of how her father treated her, and the horrible sufferings she went through. I thought about the people who suffer from this kind of treatment in the world, and I just feel really bad for them.
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